Operating data
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Iberdrola Renovables Internacional S.A.U.'s installed renewable capacity at the end of the first half of 2024 totalled 3,900 MW, up 31.4% on the same period last year.
For more information on the breakdown of installed renewable capacity by country, as well as other more specific data, please consult the map of the company's facilities. Similarly, the breakdown by renewable technologies and other data on the development of our projects can be consulted on the Iberdrola Energía Internacional website.
Here you can learn about the development of, among others, the Saint Brieuc offshore wind project in France, the Baltic Eagle offshore wind project in Germany, the photovoltaic projects in Portugal and the wind farms in Greece.
In addition, installed capacity data by country and renewable production data can be consulted, the latter having reached 3,766GWh at the end of the first half of 2024, 33.5% more than in the same period of the previous year.
By technologies, onshore wind production increased by 10.5% compared to the same period in 2023, mainly thanks to the addition of new operational capacity in Australia through the commissioning of Flyers Creek and in Poland with the Podlasek and Wólka Dobryńska facilities. Offshore wind production (France and Germany) increased by 84% to total 1,092 GWh thanks to the incorporation of new capacity at the Saint Brieuc wind farm in France.
Furthermore, solar photovoltaic production totalled 351 GWh in the period, compared to 125 GWh in the same period in 2023, due to commissioning of the Avonlie plant in Australia and the incorporation of new capacity in Portugal and Italy
More information on the operating data of the aforementioned businesses of the Iberdrola Group by country can be found on the Group's Map of facilities and operating data page.